Lawn mowing cost in West Jordan, Utah ranges from $28 to $94 per cut depending on the size your lawn and your geographic location. Lawn mowing prices per 1/4 acre (10,890 ft lot) ranges from $38 to $52 per cut. To get a more accurate cost for your lawn mowing project, request a quote. Please note that if you use our matching service, we may be compensated.
Topics Covered in this Guide: Lawn Mowing Cost | Lawn Mowing Cost Factors | Frequently Asked Questions | Related Cost Guides | Find Lawn Mowing Services | Lawn Mowing Cost in Your Area
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Lawn mowing cost in West Jordan, Utah ranges from $28 to $94 per cut depending on the size your lawn and your geographic location.
This guide is intended to provide you an approximate lawn mowing cost in West Jordan, UT. To get a more accurate quote for your specific project, request a free estimate. Our research, although general in nature, does include feedback provided by lawn mowing services and research conducted by the HomeBlue staff.
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When grass cutting services provide you an estimate, they will consider several factors that can increase or decrease the cost of your project. Pricing for your lawn mowing project will vary based on factors such as the size of your yard and the amount of landscaping you have. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you get quotes from lawn cutting services:
Lawn Mowing Cost Estimates
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Here are a few frequently asked questions related to lawn mowing:
Generally, mid-morning and late afternoon are the best times to mow a lawn in West Jordan. These rules apply to just about every location. Mowing mid-morning provides time for dew to dry (reducing cloggings) and allows grass to be cut while still cool (which reduces stress on the grass). Mowing late afternoon is good because the grass has cooled down and has time to recover before nightfall. You should avoid mowing after 6:00 pm because the grass does not have time to recover (heal) before nightfall. This could make it more susceptible to fungus and disease.
A year round lawn service is a good idea in West Jordan (or any other city for that matter). Even though grass does not grow at the same rate throughout the year, the slower growing times allow a lawn service to catch up on other maintenance items (mulching, shrub trimming, etc.). Even in snowier climates, many lawn services also will provide snow removal services.
Mulching your grass trimmings is the best way to improve the health of your lawn (so long as the grass is not too long). This allows the trimmings to decompose and return nutrients to the soil. Bagging may be necessary if your grass is tall. If you discharge your clippings out the side of your mower, you should spread out the clippings.
We have researched several other closely related projects. If one of these projects better represents the type of project you are undertaking, please check out the appropriate guide:
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The following are a few contractors in your area. Note that these companies have not been screened or vetted by HomeBlue. Please conduct proper due diligence prior to hiring these or any other company you may select.
4 seasons landscaping and snow removal. We specialize in various forms of yard maintenance; such as Lawn Mowing, weed eating, edging and trimming etc. In the winter we also do snow removal of any type. To Schedule a appointment just give the number above a call and we will get you scheduled.
Cutting Edge Landscape Utah We believe in honesty, integrity, hard work, and long-term relationships. We strive to offer unparalleled service and to nurture customer and employee satisfaction.
Lawn Mowing Cost Estimates
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Lawn mowing prices varies from area to area. We have developed a number of lawn mowing cost guides to help you identify the lawn service cost near you.